
Will confidentiality be maintained?

Life in Perspective abides by professional and ethical conduct with regards to privacy and confidentiality as set by the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA) and the Australian Psychology Society (APS).

All information discussed is strictly confidential. In some situations confidentiality may be waived as dictated by law. These situations include the following:

  • If you have been referred by your GP or another third party they may request an update of your progress. They will be advised of your progress with a few brief comments or a report if requested at the beginning and conclusion of treatment. However, this will be done with your prior approval.
  • In emergency situations it may be necessary to collect personal information from relatives or other sources where it is not possible to obtain your prior expressed consent.
  • When subpoenaed by a court or other bodies with similar power.
  • To prevent or lessen a serious threat to your own or other's lives, health or safety.
  • If duty of care applies in cases involving minors (younger than 18 years) or the elderly.
  • For the purpose of professional development, teaching and service evaluation, case study material may be used with names and identifying information changed to protect your identity.

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